Devesham parents met last night to register concern over plans to turn St Gingerpops Primary School into a city academy run by the Nationist sect. 'They say that they have an excellent disciplinary record,' argued mum of two Jean Conroy, 'but it turns out that that's just because students accused of indiscipline have to prove their innocence or be sent to the glass mines.'
'We're used to opposition from anti-religious bigots,' said planned academy head Tarron Tarrant. 'But we just want to teach children according to the truth laid down in scripture.'
The Nationists have already run into trouble over previous plans to open an academy in Bedford. The project was abandoned after copies of the Nationist syllabus were leaked, showing geography lesson plans teaching that the Earth's core could be removed to turn it into a huge spaceship, chemistry texts insisting that ice could flow like molten lava and biology notes asserting the particular fragility of the ankle joint in young women.
Claims that New Labour policy was being influenced by Nationist donations were strongly denied by junior education minister Codal Latep.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Labour's relaxed attitude to letting religious groups take over state schools has been seized on by an obscure sect, as the Devesham Courier reports:
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Syntax notation
will(I, be(, experimenting = with(notation = syntax = my) = in (posts:the = next = few) ))