I was wistfully hoping that this episode might feature a return appearance by Venus Smith, but sadly it was not to be.
The British Venusian Society are devoted to watching what's probably the least interesting planet to observe in a telescope. They have ambitions to send a manned mission there, and, this being The Avengers, their leader is a lady called Venus Browne (Barbara 'Dr Plaxton/Sorasta' Shelley). But their members are dying off, mysteriously frazzled by a bright light that seems to come - from Venus!
Derek 'Greg Sutton' Newark, back from Trojan Horse, is Ms Browne's associate Crawford. It was interesting to see him doing a cold, scientific character.
Their funding comes from Colonel Whitehead, who spends his time making LPs of his past military exploits Big Finish style, with an array of gramophones playing sound effects discs. He's played by some bloke called Jon Pertwee, I don't know what happened to him.
Some more cod Britishry in this one, notably Jeremy 'sitcoms' Lloyd as an aristocratic chimney sweep.
Not a bad story all in all, I rather like these ones where something science fictional is going on - or is it?
Previously and also seen: Philip 'Bigon' Locke making his third appearance.
Also seen: Arthur 'Cully' Cox. Michael Lynch, who is probably the Thal politician in Genesis of the Daleks. There are about 10 Michael Lynches so it might not be him.
Previously seen: Adrian Ropes returning from The Danger Makers.
On rewatching, it occurred to me that there are many shots in this episode of Venus seen through telescopes in full phase, and the BVS has various posters on display of the same picture. Unfortunately it's impossible to see Venus in full phase from Earth, as it's either behind the Sun, or too close to the Sun to see, when it's full.