People from the excellent BBC Radio 4 production of Lord of the Rings (1981, repeated 1987 and 2003 and available on CD) who have also been in DW:
- Peter Howell (Saruman) - The Mutants (The Investigator)
- Jack May (Théoden) - The Space Pirates (General Hermack)
- Patrick Barr (Gamling) - The Moonbase (Hobson)
- Gerard Murphy (Narrator) - Silver Nemesis (Richard)
- Stephen Thorne (Treebeard) - The Daemons (Azal), The Three Doctors (Omega), The Hand of Fear (male Eldrad)
- David Collings (Legolas) - The Robots of Death (Poul), Mawdryn Undead (Mawdryn)
- Donald Gee (Radagast) - of course Monster of Peladon (Eckersley)! and also The Space Pirates apparently
- Michael Spice (Háma) The Talons of Weng-Chiang (Weng-Chiang), The Brain of Morbius (Morbius voice)
- Philip Voss (Lord of the Nazgûl) - The Dominators (Wahed)
And honourable mention to:
- Pauline Letts (Ioreth) (Barry Letts' sister, it seems) ubiquitous in BBC radio drama for several decades
- Peter Woodthorpe (Gollum) - one or more voice parts in Radio 4's Whatever Happened To... Susan Foreman (1994)
Not Doctor Who but still genre:
- Peter Howell - also played the Professor in the Prisoner ep The General
- Jack May - in the Avengers ep The Secrets Broker, and went on to a secure berth in The Archers
- David Collings - Silver in Sapphire and Steel
- Michael Graham Cox (Boromir) - also Boromir in Ralph Bakshi's animated LotR
- Peter Woodthorpe again - also Gollum'd for RB
- Marian Diamond (Galadriel) - one of the motorcycle enthusiasts in the Avengers ep Build A Better Mousetrap
Not Doctor Who, or genre, but deserving honourable mention - the 1986 Radio 4 production of
The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen:
- Peter Woodthorpe as the postillion
- John Church (Gaffer Gamgee) as King George and God
(thanks to a certain Zoner for the Philip Voss information)