Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Ones Who Stand In The Lobby At Omelas

I write down all my interesting dreams in a notebook, and I give the best ones titles. Early this morning I dreamt one that I immediately entitled The Ones Who Stand In The Lobby At Omelas:

I'd been invited to the opening of this massive skyscraper designed by an utterly wanky architect who always put whimsical things like rubber ducks or teddy bears on the very pinnacle of his buildings. In this one, it had a massive pillar base so the 'ground floor' lobby was like 50 storeys off the ground.

I'm mingling with all the yacking hipster cunts at the reception in the lobby, when apocalyptic floods break out all across the Earth. All the others flee into the main part of the building, but I just stand there as hordes of desperate survivors come stampeding up the stairs from outside and press themselves against the impenetrable lobby doors. They're all just getting crushed to death and everyone is drowning outside.

I could open the doors, and there are lifts, which I could send down to rescue more people, or I could go down there myself.

Or I could go into the main part of the building and survive luxuriously, but I'd be shut in the building with hipster cunts for the rest of my life. And they'd taunt me for not acting in accordance with my principles.

If I let the hordes in, there wouldn't be enough food, and everyone would die anyway, including me.

So I'm just standing there in front of the interior doors, looking at all these refugees dying, and unable to decide what to do.

There isn't a punchline I'm afraid, I woke up, which was just as well as I'd still be standing there otherwise.

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