Thursday, April 09, 2020
Survivors - 2.8 By Bread Alone
Despite the title I didn't twig, until the reveal, that Lewis' secret shame was that he was a priest. When he was soulfully examining the pansy under the rubble heap I wondered if we were going to get an advanced 70s plot about post-apocalypse sexuality. Now that would have been an interesting story to tell.
The story we actually get isn't so bad, there's a wider range of reactions to him coming out as a priest than I expected. Some of the survivors display class-based hostility, others oppose him on philosophical and political grounds, some just want the trappings of organised religion restored, others draw an unintended moral conclusion and leave the settlement on YOLO grounds.
I liked the way that reassuming his priestly role made him a better trench digger.
It was tidy to have him and Jenny solving each other's problems. Her petulant demands to have the amenities of civilisation back don't fit with her conduct in series 1, but it makes sense that the stress of trying to care for her baby would have made her feel like that.
I'm not sure about the church service at the end. I think the table flowers send the same message much more efficiently.
Paul is referred to (as he is in the credits) as Paul Pitman, I think for the first time. In series 1 he always said 'Just Paul' when asked his surname.
Dating: it's lambing time so could be as late as April by now. At least 10 days have passed since the previous ep, as that's how long Prince Harry and Judy have been in the quarantine house.
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