Saturday, April 11, 2020

Survivors - 3.2 A Little Learning

Another bubble episode that doesn't progress the main story, apart from the teases about whether Jenny and Greg will actually meet up. When she kept missing Abby in 1.1 and 1.2 I cared, but I don't care about this, because it's being played for laughs.

The self-sufficient group of kids is a familiar trope but their leader Eagle's powerful Glaswegian manner makes it work. With Nessie the nurse in Lights of London, that's two Scottish people who've survived the plague. Greg's initial scene with the kids is good, both funny and sinister.

The two traders are played half the time as vicious, hardened rogues and the other half as mere cheeky chappies, the inconsistent tone makes it hard to believe in them. One of them's doing a really odd posh 40s accent. Also the plan to get Jenny to stay by telling her that Greg is having it off with Agnes is beyond tedious. You're writing about people after the collapse of civilisation and that's the story you want to tell?

The last 5 minutes are really strange, first the sudden raising and dismissal of the minefields, and then the surreal appearance of a wandering elephant.

One good moment though, where Greg has just euthanased Libbie and he tells Eagle that she died in her sleep - and then discovers that she was Eagle's sister.

Couple of unusual references to pre-plague culture - the kids sing Yellow Submarine, and also Greg pointedly remarks that they should have watched fewer violent films and more BBC2.

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