Saturday, April 11, 2020

Survivors - 3.5 Bridgehead

There are three main kinds of Survivors ep:
  1. Aberrant settlement of the week/extrication
  2. Trouble at their own settlement
  3. World-building
and this is a world-building one. Not much happens but people have conversations in picturesque places that tell you more about the survivors' world.

Basically Charles has a rare success in successfully managing to hold a market day where people trade their surpluses. And we get teased yet again with the prospect of Greg returning.

I haven't encountered so many railway references in SF since I read Colin Kapp's The Railways Up On Cannis as a kid.

I've realised what's bothering me about Edith and her sons - up to now I don't think any of the survivors have been related to one another. Charles said in 1.4 that it hadn't happened in his experience. But here we have 4 members of the same family still alive. That was kind of the point of the show for me, that it was about disparate people randomly thrown together and forming bonds, not just a post-apocalyptic The Waltons.

Jenny has displayed a remarkable absence of concern about baby Paul in this series, it's almost as if she and the writers have forgotten he ever existed. I suppose we are to assume that he and John and Lizzie 2 are still being looked after by Pet.

Dating: Brother Tom left the farm 3 months ago, and ISTR in 3.3 he'd left a month ago, so it must now be round about May 1978.

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