Sunday, August 26, 2018

1.3 Lesbian Request Denied

Piper's rueful nod at the question 'Does that really happen?'

Of course I followed Sophia's past and present story with interest. Even in British prisons it's a full-time job getting your prescriptions.

The flashback to Piper and Alex's first meeting reminded me strangely of the flashback in Buffy to Spike and Drusilla's first meeting.

It's true though isn't it. 'You carried that bag. No-one put a gun to your head.'

A gradual widening of perspective so that we have more and more non-Piper threads.

I have to say, my friends, this show is compelling, but it's filling me with a vast sadness for man and woman's inhumanity to woman. What is it Jack Kerouac says about 'jails and iron sorrows'?

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