Wednesday, August 29, 2018

2.1 Thirsty Bird

'It's so hard to keep up with what's black and white for you' That was hard work. Three reversals of direction leaving me as bewildered as Piper. Good news, Pennsatucky (sp) isn't dead. Bad news, courtroom moral dilemma. Good news, creative phrasing solution. Bad news, Alex may have been even more creative?

Taylor Schilling does do 'rueful agreement' expressions well (at 'you know how the feds hate spending money').

That bit in the exercise yard where Piper realises she does know what it's like when the bones crack.

It's a measure of how horrible this episode is that the bit where she's asked to piss faster comes across as light relief.

Piper is beginning to annoy me a bit now though. I've watched all kinds of nasty things rather than bail out and leave her frozen in time forever, but she's digging herself in deeper. Sort yourself out, or I will leave you there.

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