Monday, April 09, 2012

Naive Avengersthon - 57. The Murder Market

Oh dear, I think they're losing me with this series. It's not so much like jumping from season 7 to season 10 of Doctor Who, it's like jumping from Doctor Who to the 2005 parody remake. The plot concerns an exclusive marriage bureau that is actually a front for arranging murders, but that just seems to be an excuse for a series of visually striking sets and a lot of highly stylised acting and fighting. Like Town of No Return, it was nice to look at but it didn't engage me.

What I most enjoyed looking at was Mrs Peel's tipsy dance around the crypt (and hurried return to her coffin) and the funeral procession, which was the best thing in the episode; some really grim faces and doomy organ music.

It was also fun to see the visual style of the later 60s taking over; we're definitely in War Machines territory now, whereas series 1 and 2 were constantly reminding me of Planet of the Giants or Unearthly Child.

Seen elsewhere: Patrick 'Hammer into Anvil' Cargill, and John 'The Marshall' Woodvine.

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