This is a fairly close remake of Death of a Great Dane. As in earlier cases, I will enumerate the principal differences and interesting similarities.
The courier is one Dusty Rhodes, not George Miller, though the showbiz connection and wife are still there. We get to see the crash in which he is injured. Mrs Rhodes is rather different from Mrs Miller, a kind of Elsie Tanner vibe about her from Pauline Delaney (returning from The Golden Eggs.)
The two dogs are Russian wolfhounds, not Great Danes. The Litoff organisation is again so named, which makes it hard to explain how this episode can take place in the same universe as Death of a Great Dane.
Frederick Jaeger's Getz is replaced by the hard-nosed Miss Pegram (Yolande Turner from The Girl from Auntie).
The butler role is still there, but differently named. Dr Sir James Arnell is just as before, except played by David Langton (making his third appearance). If you want to imagine what the alt-Lethbridge-Stewart might have been like, you can start here.
There are a couple of extra strands of plot, concerning Litoff's 'niece', and the car Rhodes was killed in, but they aren't crucial.
Instead of a wine-tasting there's a cigar-tasting, if that's the right term.
Previously and also seen: Jon 'Count Federico' Laurimore from Honey For The Prince. Nigel 'Hardin' Lambert. Cardew Robinson (the fakir in Khyber).