Rather a fun episode with Steed and Mrs Peel subjected to forcible body-swapping by vulgar foreign agents Basil (Freddie Jones) and Lola (Patricia Haines making her third appearance). I thought Jones and Haines were better at doing Steed and Mrs Peel than Mcnee and Rigg were at doing Basil and Lola. Jones' Basil/Steed is particularly likeable.
I wasn't so keen on the Avengers' organisation, revealed here to have huge Union flags on its walls and a system of highly camp floral codenames. I did however enjoy it when Lola/Mrs Peel stuck her chewing gum under the conference table.
Previously and also seen: Malcolm Taylor from Mission to Montreal, who was also Walters in The Ice Warriors.
Previously seen: Campbell Singer from Six Hands Across A Table.