A fantastic postmodern opening sequence with Mrs Peel apparently watching The Cybernauts before Steed appears on her telly to say that she's needed. Note the cutting edge wired remote control.
Primed by this, we have no trouble guessing that the mysterious man (Christopher Lee) who survives being run over twice by Christopher Benjamin (returning from How To Succeed At Murder), and hates radios, might just be a robot. Even if we missed it, the fact that his name is Dr Frank N. Stone (which I missed first time round) is there to help us. The real mystery is in whether he or his sidekick Penrose (Jeremy 'Kal' Young, returning from A Touch of Brimstone), or both, is evilly motivated.
Unusually there's a companion of the week in Dr James (Patricia English making her third appearance), who gets to play a pivotal role in resolving the final fight.
It's a rule that in any story involving doubles, the regulars have to get doubled, and this is no exception; but this time their duplicates are saved for comedy purposes at the end. It's quite funny though. Unlike the closing gag itself, which is a rubbish joke about politicians.
Also seen: Arnold 'Pte Godfrey' Ridley as an old remote-controlled boat enthusiast. Alan Chuntz (the chauffeur in Seeds of Doom). Geoffrey Reed (the skipper of the Polotska in Checkmate).
Previously seen: John Junkin returning from Dressed To Kill.